our Story

Our number one goal at ArtKidsy is for everyone to be creative! And most importantly have fun. At Artkidsy it is our mission to help children harness their creativity and to support their emmerging individuality. Our goal is to help children develop a love and appreciation for art and themselves.

Nina owner/artist is an artistic autodidact who, as a child, taught herself to draw by tracing Disney characters. Nina further developed her artistic abilities and ultimately decided that art was her professional dream. 

After graduating high school, Nina pursued her dream by enrolling in Louisiana Tech University, where she majored in Graphic Design and later earned her Masters in Business Administration. In La Tech is where Nina J. developed a love for abstract painting, which quickly became her painting signature.

In further pursuit of her dreams, Nina created the concept of Artipsy as an amalgamation of her artistic passions. After creating Artipsy Nina realized that kids need an outlet as well to bring out their creativity and therefore created ArtKidsy.